Rabies vaccine and imunoglobulin

Rabies vaccine and imunoglobulin

Sanmed medical Rabies Vaccine

Rp. 99.000

After being bitten by an infected animal, the patient will usually not immediately show rabies symptoms.

There is an incubation time, the interval between the bite and the symptoms. The incubation period is usually 1-3 months. Acute symptoms of rabies are just like flu and last for 2-10 days. Once symptoms appear, rabies becomes a deadly disease. Therefore, handling dog bites is very important.

When bitten by a dog, try not to panic. Immediately take the following first aid steps for being bitten by a dog:

1. Wash the wound with running water
2. Clean Using Soap
3. Apply pressure to the injured area
4. Get yourself checked by a doctor
5. Get Vaccines immediately
Try to get the rabies vaccine within a few hours of the incident of being bitten by the dog.

This is because dog bites, both small and large, are equally at risk for transmitting the rabies virus.

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